Team Assist
Bespoke counselling, mentoring and education package for teams and sporting organisations.
Prepare your Team or Sports Organisation
Team Assist supports the people in your organisation so they can perform at their best. Planning and training for the physical side of sport is well catered for, but gaps in your organisations mental support can leave your people feeling vulnerable. Supporting the person creates for better connections and a healthy culture.
Team Assist is set up as a partnership model. Your team/organisation signs up to Sideline Advisor as their Mental Health / Performance provider then accesses services on a needs basis. There is no cost to sign up, you only pay for what you need. For individuals needing support the team/organisation agrees to the level/number of sessions they cover per person.
Sessions are offered both in person and online, so you can access Team Assist support anytime, anywhere.
Team Assist is a bespoke program set up to cater for sports teams and organisations. It’s not just for the athletes. Coaches, managers and support staff all have a role to play in a team’s success. All people matter.
Team Assist is delivered in through the provision of group education (mental health and performance awareness/literacy) and individual support.
Group education is tailored to the needs of your team/organisation. Through a pre consultation period your needs are assessed then the education package is designed and delivered to your people. Areas can include, but not limited to; Understanding the brain/bodies response to pressure, supporting your team's well-being to build better connections and effective communication.
Individual support is focused on two areas:
Performance coaching, mental skills and individual mental plans to enhance individual performance.
Counselling support. Supporting the person to get through life challenges.
All individual sessions are conducted under my professional Code of Ethics relating to confidentiality. This ensures that participants can openly discuss their challenges and goals in confidence.